The Most Boring Life Ever 2 - Work From Home
The Most Boring Life Ever 2 – Work From Home is a fun first-person 3D life simulation game. When creating it, the developers were inspired by the situation with the pandemic. The indie title allows you to plunge into the everyday routine of a person living under quarantine restrictions. It does not have a full-fledged plot and any goals, and the gameplay is endless. The video game is divided into days. It also has a change of time of day. It invites gamers to entertain themselves on their own. They are offered two activities. Players can take in the scenery while rotating the camera and complete the mini-game to earn achievements. There are 13 achievements in total.

Translated from English, the name of the project sounds like The most boring life 2 – Work from home. The title is fully consistent with its name. Its action takes place in the apartment. It is impossible to go outside the dwelling, as well as wander around the rooms. The hero can only sit at a laptop and smoke a cigar by the window. When the protagonist is foundis near the computer, it turns on a mini-game in the spirit of clickers. In it, you need to press a single button to increase the value of the numbers on the scoreboard. You need to control the character through the mouse and keyboard. Management here is literally one-button. After making some progress in this mine of fun, the man himself takes a break, teleports to the window and lights up.
