Midway Arcade Treasures Deluxe Edition
Midway Arcade Treasures is a collection of 24 arcade games emulated from original circuit boards. The collection contains games for all genres: racing, role-playing adventures, action games, puzzles, platformers and much more. Each mode offers a unique story, objectives, and visuals.

Some of the games in Midway Arcade Treasures:

  • 720 is a skateboarding simulator previously used in Atari Games machines. The user controls a skateboarder, rides through middle-class neighborhoods and performs stunts. The name comes from the final stunt at the end of the walkthrough, where you need to do two full stunts by jumping off a large springboard, and then stand on a skateboard.
  • Defender – takes place on a fictional planet. Alien creatures have invaded the world of the protagonist, who will need to fight opponents and protect the astronauts. The gameplay is presented in the form of a side-scrolling shooter. Scattered on the levelslive, power-ups, traps and interactive objects.
  • Blaster is an indirect sequel to Robotron: 2084. This first-person shooter takes place in outer space. The player gets the goal to fight criminals and destroy opponents in locations. It is necessary to get to the astronauts and save them, after which the central character goes to heaven.
  • Bubbles – the gamer uses the joystick to control the bubble moving along the kitchen sink. On the levels you have to clean the sink and avoid opponents. Observation takes place from top to bottom. The soap bubble is able to clean from ants, crumbs, greasy stains and other elements.

